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  • Managing Director

    K Thangaraj is the Founder Managing Director of AGT Electronics Ltd. He calls himself an engineering graduate of 1971 ( BC ), meaning before the Birth of (micro) Computers. Yet his enthusiasm for microcomputers and embedded system design finds no bounds and he has personally lead many product design teams.

    He has obtained a patent for Portable Ticketing machine and has to his credits a number of firsts in design. He has traveled widely and a keen observer of computer and communication technologies. He says he has many ” Gurus ” for his spiritual journey but is happy with just ” Google Guru ” for keeping himself abreast of technology and business news as well.

    He is involved in mentoring and prides in assisting the executive team at AGT, whenever they need him. His brief to his team ” Do your work with passion and ensure red carpet welcome from each of our customers “.

    He spends his free time learning and researching ancient Sanskrit and Tamil scriptures related to spirituality and personal development. He loves guiding young engineers and technocrats individually as well as in groups. He is on the governing and academic council of many educational institutions. As an active member and a former Chairman of Confederation of Indian Industry, he loves to contribute to the overall growth of industry in the region.

Happy Clients and lots more year ahead will be added.

Projects of unsurpassed products and services to the clients.

Support To embrace new technologies and methods.

Hard Workers provide high quality service to customers.

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